Monday, June 23, 2008

Fascination by Innovation - Module 1

Here you can find the ebook Fascination by Innovation. The first module is available for free and you can download it for Windows PCs here (size around 4 MB).

Its aim is to provide a comprehensive introduction to the area of innovations. There are two possible target audiences - innovators (managers and entrepreneurs) and MBA or PhD students.

The ebook contains practically oriented case studies (e.g. about ultrathin MacBook Air notebook by Apple) and is based on famous works of Michael E. Porter and Clayton M. Christensen.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Innovation Literacy

You must have heard the notions of computer literacy or financial literacy which were coined a decade or more ago. Why not speak about “innovation literacy” when referring to a deeper human understanding of a complex technological, economic, social, and possibly some changes in nature?

In his best selling books, Robert Kiyosaki offers attractive solutions to those who want to become investors in non-technological businesses, for example in real estate. On the contrary to Kiyosaki, in this blog, we would like to provide insights into technology-based businesses namely, not real estate. Think of possible stagnation consequences for technology, the economy and society if all people only became real estate experts.

Our insights may become valuable resource for both entrepreneurs as well as ambitious employees who want to support and speed up the technological, economical and social progress in their environment. With deeper insights in complex-systems dynamics, you may be better equipped for a successful entrepreneurial career (it means a creative-destruction career) - of course, if adequate personal characteristics inside and attractive business opportunities outside exist.

The future will be different than the past. To underline this fact, the investor Warren Buffet said: If history could make people rich, librarians would be billionaires. We have no crystal ball to predict the future. However, by analyzing past events, we can point out important principles which will guide your future. Risk is always present and we have to be comfortable with it as well. Unexpected serious events can still come (wars, pestilence, …).

Under normal conditions, your active life will be longer because your whole life will be longer. Because of advances in medicine, any younger reader of this web page (a girl or a boy of about 20 years old) can reasonably expect a full 50 years of active life before him/her. So what can happen over fifty years of a human life? If we look 50 years back, we can see many technological as well as a few social changes there.

In his best selling book, Richard Florida sees it vice versa. According to him, there were more visible social changes than technological ones. Be prepared for conflicting perceptions and explanations not only of the future but the past as well. However, for the next future 50 years we can expect many changes to come. Therefore, well educated people should understand them as much as possible.

For these reasons we have prepared a broadly conceived course on innovation in a form of an e-book. Using the e-book, we will try to increase your innovation literacy, and thus increase the probability of your survival and success in the future. It doesn't matter if you are in the U.S.A., EU, India, China or Angola. The changes are coming.

In June 2008, in the Czech Republic,

Miroslav Pivoda and Viktor Vojtko